Christine A. Halverson is a cognitive science researcher interested in how groups of people collaborate to do accomplish work. Her past work has covered domains as varied as air traffic control, airline cockpits, online car loan applications, speech recognition, persistent chat environments, and how supercomputer programmers do their work on long-lived codes.
Christine continues to be interested in how social and community processes for individuals, groups and organizations are supported as more and more interaction happens online. This focus includes analyzing individual online behavior, including, but not limited to, computer-mediated communications, and extends to understanding how on and offline behavior combine when groups are supported over distance.
Christine's interest spans both the practical domains and the understanding collaborative work with and without technology support. Her theoretical work includes looking more deeply at conceptual issues such as organizational memory, for which she was awarded an NSF grant with University of Michigan Professor Mark Ackerman for a two-year field study. In the past, she has done a variety of work in human-computer interaction including social aspects of interfaces with and without characters, speech supported interfaces, and multi-modal interfaces. Her work in analyzing speech user interfaces with colleagues at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center won them the Brian Shackel Award for Best paper at INTERACT 1999.
Christine holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the University of California, San Diego for work done in Distributed Cognition. During her dissertation work, she spent a year at Dallas-Fort Worth airport observing how the introduction of new computer systems changed control practices at the DFW TRACON. As part of that work, she used her anthropology training to follow one particular group shift of controllers across multiple weeks of work. Her work contributed to the CTAS (Center-TRACON Automation System) and FAST (Final Approach Spacing Tool) systems developed by NASA Ames Research Center's Aviation Systems Division.
Christine is the author of papers in the fields of human-computer interaction and computer-supported collaborative work. She has worked in IBM Research's social computing group, SRI's Speech Technology and Research Laboratory, and interned with NASA Ames Research Center's Aviation Systems Division. She has been an associate editor of the Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. She has served on conference committees for CSCW, ECSCW, CHI, GROUP and DIS. With Elizabeth Churchill, Christine co-edited a special issue of IEEE Internet Computing on Social Networks. She is also co-editor of the book Resources, Co-Evolution, and Artifacts: Theory in CSCW published by Springer.